

“I’m happy and grateful to [have participated] in [this] mentorship program. The journaling exercises (my first time journaling!) deepened my understanding of my unique offerings as a Postpartum Doula and how I want to navigate my career. As a result of [this] mentorship, I am completely reimagining my practice to reflect the work I authentically want to embrace.” — K. C.

“When I entered the mentorship I was anticipating 'tips & tricks' and what I got was so much more. Through this mentorship's guidance and insight, I did a deeper dive into myself, my limits, and my capacity for growth. The mentorship itself felt like a spiritual retreat. It left me with a rejuvenated excitement about the work. It didn't feel like the end, it felt like a jump start into my next phase of growth as a doula.” — M. S.


"If you are a very 'feelings-led' person, if your friends describe you as an empath, if you are always taking the temperature of the room and wanting to make sure that everyone is "good", then this mentorship is for you. It's a deep, personal journey where you will understand who you are, what brought you to birth work and how you can take care of yourself to sustain a long career. Even though it's more about exploring our own selves, I [walked] away with a lot of 'tips and tricks' especially about my contract and client questionnaire and how I will care for myself after births from now on." — C. G.


“As a new doula with tons of questions, it was important to stop and not just jump straight into doing the work for others, but to make sure I've dealt with my own stuff. My perceptions, my intentions, things that maybe I hadn't addressed head on. This mentorship was like giving myself the gift of personal exploration.” — C. R.


"Before the mentorship, I was extremely eager to get into this work and just get after it but this mentorship helped me to take a deep breath and take a second before just diving in. Sustainability is paramount to this work and the only way to achieve that is through self-care. [The mentorship] helped so much in taking the time to reflect and prepare before diving in. I feel I'm in a much better position to start out in this work now that I've done the prep to make this a long and fulfilling career for me!" — S. R.


“I just finished the mentorship and I can’t begin to explain what it did for me. I didn’t know exactly what to expect but I can say that I got more out of it than I had ever hoped for. It has given me a new perspective and an even deeper connection to birth work. The [mentors] are so vulnerable with us and I am so grateful to this community of women. I will cherish this experience and the wisdom that was shared with me forever. If you are a new doula, a seasoned doula, or just curious don’t hesitate to sign up!” — M. W.


"I signed up for this mentorship expecting to learn how to market and build my doula business, but I got something so much better and more crucial to my long-term success. [The mentors] held space for me to slow down enough to actually acknowledge and integrate my triggers and limitations. I was coming from a place of excitement and passion, but underneath that was a deep fear that was holding me back. Through our conversations, I was able to finally see the deep heart of my people pleasing and release my expectations of others, allowing me to begin to step into a place of more aligned service." — A. M.